Virtual Jersey City Comedy Festival - August 15, 2020

Virtual Jersey City Comedy Festival - August 15, 2020

Tickets $10-$15


Saturday, August 15
7:30PM EST | Character Assassination: The Roast of Harry Potter

9PM EST | Best of The Fest
Guest judge: Ophira Eisenberg
Featuring performers: Lily Lester • Christiana Jackson  Ish Gupta  • Stephanie O  •  Keith McGill • Tina Sieben • Kayt Hester • Nick Fierro

Celebrating three years of laughs (formerly known as the 6th Borough Comedy Festival), performers will be featured in nine different shows including professional stand up, improv comedy, and sketch comedy. $1000 in cash prizes will be awarded to the comedians – $250 to the best sketch team, $250 to the best improv team, $250 to the audience stand up pick, and the industry stand up pick receives $250, as well as a one month residency of primetime spots at Broadway Comedy Club courtesy of 

Zoom can be accessed online via a computer or mobile device, you just need Wifi. To download Zoom and create a free account on a desktop or laptop, go to and follow the onsite instructions. To download on a smartphone/mobile device, please download the Zoom app from the AppStore and follow the setup instructions.