Join the Art House Productions Board of Trustees

What does the Art House Productions Board do?
The Board of Directors (“Board”) provides direction, guidance, and oversight of the leadership operations, programs and activities of AHP. The Board supports the work of AHP and provides mission-based leadership, strategic governance, and financial support. While day-to-day operations are led by AHP’s Executive Director, with the support of staff and volunteers, the success of AHP relies on strong partnerships between the Board and the Executive Director.
Board Member Roles
- Demonstrate faithful commitment to the purpose of AHP, and work intently to support mission-achievement.
- Attend at least 6 out of 9 Board meetings per year, maintaining at least a 67% attendance rate. Note: Board meetings are held on Zoom except for the June meeting which is held in-person.
- Actively prepare for and participate in all board meetings.
- Serve on at least one committee of the Board.
- Ensure legal compliance and ethical integrity.
Financial & Organizational Oversight
- Provide attentive financial oversight. Thoroughly read and understand the implications of AHP’s financial statements and annual budget on a quarterly basis. Set and approve the annual budget and track financial performance on a regular basis.
- Review and accept independent audits. Ensure adequate financial controls informed by annual audit findings.
- Support the Executive Director to fulfill the organization’s mission.
- Play an active role in shaping AHP’s culture by staying informed of relevant information and reports, attending performances and events, and become acquainted with the staff.
- Act in accordance with AHP’s Bylaws and policies.
- Disclose any potential conflicts of interest on an annual basis and/or when conflict may arise.
- Determine and support AHP’s mission, vision, and values.
- Ensure that all programs and services are consistent with AHP’s mission.
- Establish, approve, and monitor the strategic direction of the organization.
- Agree on a Strategic Plan and evaluate adherence and progress on a regular basis.
- Strengthen the overall impact of AHP’s programs and services by supporting the Executive Director in upholding the mission.
Resource Development and Support
- Serve as an ambassador for AHP among your individual and organizational contacts, facilitate introductions to donor prospects, and assist with requests for financial support.
- Commit to give an annual personal contribution that is both meaningful and sacrificial.
- Actively participate in all fundraising efforts to secure funding from outside sources to ensure mission achievement. Commit to contribute and help give and fundraise a minimum give/get annually.
- Assist the board to identify and recruit new members for the Board of Directors.
- Actively promote the organization through social media and other platforms.
Interested in learning more about board service? Submit your interest here: